About SIM2
SIM2 Multimedia is an Italian electronics company that designs, manufactures and supplies video projection and HDR products for residential and commercial applications (for control rooms, information, communication, and simulation). In a world dominated by large multinational corporations, SIM2 is one of the few European companies that, through its strong commitment to innovation, know-how and focused activities has been able to establish a remarkable global reputation. Today, SIM2 delivers new and unique video solutions (and iconic audio products under the Brionvega brand) with unparalleled performance, outstanding design and the finest customer support available. SIM2 projectors are made in Italy and sold worldwide in over 50 countries, through sister companies in the US and China and partnerships with qualified distributors.
Mission Statement
In a world ruled by visual communication, where images and pictures are what we all look for first, information need to be presented clearly, sharply, and consistently. To carry out its vision, SIM2 identify and exploit state-of-the-art technologies to create and supply top-quality, innovative display solutions that help people realize new applications, unleash emotions, connect, and improve their living and working standards.
The Values
At SIM2 we are committed to building high quality, top-notch products. SIM2 staff shares values, principles and behaviour that describe the things we are not willing to compromise on in any situation – with our customers, our shareholders, and each other.
Innovation – SIM2 is committed to promoting and implement creative and innovative ideas and solutions.
Excellence - We strive for excellence every day in all we do, with care and attention applied to the smallest detail. SIM2 is committed to supporting its internal and external clients in a perfect manner.
Ethics – SIM2 is committed to do what is right with honesty and integrity.
Accountability - There is no achievement without clearly defined goals and measures. SIM2 is accountable for commitments, results, and quality to customers, shareholders, partners and employees.
Passion - Passionate and enthused about our company, brands, products, and heritage.
The Awards
Here are some of the most important recognitions we’ve had to date: 60 Product of the Year awards, 41 Reference Product awards, 54 Best Product awards, 10 Innovation awards (CES), 9 Design Awards (i.e. 2 GOOD DESIGN Award by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture & Design, 33rd SMAU Industrial Design) and a nomination to ADI Compasso d’Oro Award, the most important prize world-wide for the Italian Industrial Design system since 1954, and many more.
The distribution
SIM2 is world-oriented with a direct presence in Italy (headquarters) and through its National Sales Offices in China and USA. Select distribution in over 40 countries world-wide is achieved through partnerships with highly qualified distributors; all offering the same excellent customer service standards as the main company.
SIM2 Headquarters
SIM2 Multimedia Srl
Pordenone, Italy
SIM2 Sister Companies:
Sunrise FL 33351, USA
200080, Shanghai, P.R. China
Research and Development: a constant effort for innovation
Each year, SIM2 invests most of its human resources and over 10% of total turnover in R&D activities. The SIM2 R&D Team is totally committed to the investigation and implementation of new technologies, hence the ability of SIM2 to constantly offer new and advanced solutions that embody outstanding performance, uniqueness and longevity. Indeed, throughout the years, SIM2 has consistently introduced a succession of world firsts, always raising the bar in terms of performance and industrial design.
Nevertheless, Intellectual Property is an intrinsic element to the very being of SIM2 and, in furthering the quest to ever improve, SIM2 actively encourages innovation and the introduction of unique solutions, holding numerous optics and electronics international patents.
The Technologies
SIM2’s front, rear, and short-throw projectors utilize Texas Instruments’ DMDs (Digital Micro-mirror Device), commonly referred to as ‘chips’. DLP display technology from Texas Instruments offers clarity down to the most minute detail, delivering pictures rich with color, contrast and brightness to projectors for business, home, professional venue and digital cinema. SIM2 chose the DLP technology as the performances and reliability are superior to all other technologies. Also, DLP is the technology of choice of Hollywood’s Studios.
At the heart of every DLP chip is an array of million microscopic mirrors which switch incredibly fast to create a high resolution, highly reliable, full color image. DLP technology’s chip architecture and inherent speed advantage provides razor-sharp images and excellent reproduction of fast motion video with an unbelievable long-term and constant-overtime quality. SIM2 also uses LED, LASER and LASER HYBRID technologies on many of its products to provide specific features for specific types of application.
SIM2 HDR display features HDR technology for real-world visual perception of depth, detail, and color: This is because the human eye can instantaneously perceive a dynamic brightness range (5 orders of magnitude out of 14 total on a logarithmic scale - this represents the difference between the brightest light and total absence of light, and includes all the shades in between) far broader than what any display can currently produce (at best, only 3 orders of magnitude). Thanks to the HDR technology, SIM2 was able to design a display that offers five orders of magnitude, delivering images so realistic that the display becomes a window into the world. Both SIM2’s reference monitor (HDR47 6K) and projection system (SIM2 HDR Dual System) provide a REAL HDR visual experience.
Quality and Reliability: a must for all SIM2 products
During the production process, the smallest to the largest component undergoes the most rigorous quality check of our expertise to ensure superior products with high reliability. SIM2 has always taken great pride in giving our customers the best possible experience from our products by choosing only high-quality materials.
The Applications
- Conference rooms
- Theaters
- Convention Centers
High Brightness projectors for multiple types of installations
- Mid/Large Control rooms
From a 2 + 1 display setup up to 50 rear projectors (70” diagonal) to monitor Energy plants, traffic and territory, etc.
LCD monitors, projectors, videowalls, high-graphics projectors.
- Restaurants
- Bars
- Stores
- Department stores
Video projectors and hidden display systems
- High-end Home Cinema
Projectors and large invisible displays (Full HD or 4K UHD)
- Yacht
- Museums
- Airplanes
- etc.
Brionvega’s iconic products are now available in many countries and are perfect not only in homes, but also in “special locations” (hotel suites, high fashion stores, etc.) .
Ai sensi dell'art. 1 c.125 della L. 124/2017, si segnala che l'importo delle sovvenzioni, contributi, incarichi retribuiti e comunque vantaggi economici di qualunque genere ricevuti dalle pubbliche amministrazioni e dai soggetti ad esse collegati, non aventi carattere generale e privi di natura corrispettiva, retributiva o risarcitoria, sono pubblicati nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all'articolo 52 della legge 24 dicembre 2012, n. 234, a cui si rinvia ai sensi dell'articolo 3 - quater, comma 2, del decreto legge n. 135 del 2018. Si segnala inoltre che:
- la società ha percepito in data 03.07.2020 un contributo di euro 23.736 quale CONTRIBUTO A FONDO PERDUTO ai sensi Art. 25 del decreto-legge 19 maggio 2020, n. 34 (indennità covid-19) erogato dall'Agenzia delle Entrate C.F. 06363391001;
- la società ha maturato e utilizzato, un credito di euro 4.800 quale credito imposta locazioni, definito quale "Bonus Affitti" (prevista dall'art.28 del decreto-legge 19 maggio 2020, n.34 -Decreto Rilancio) compensato in data 16/10/2020 per euro 2.400, e compensato in data 18/1/2021 per euro 2.400, concessi dall'Agenzia delle Entrate, Codice Fiscale e Partita Iva: 06363391001 ;
- la società ha percepito un contributo di euro 634,89 quale CREDITO d'imposta per spese per la sanificazione e l'acquisto dei dispositivi di protezione (art. 125 D.L. n. 34/2020), di cui euro 210 compensati in data 18/01/2021, concessi dall'Agenzia delle Entrate, Codice Fiscale e Partita Iva: 06363391001;
- la società ha beneficiato dell'agevolazione di cui all’articolo 24 del Decreto Rilancio (D.L. 34/2020)
relativamente all'esonero dal versamento del saldo Irap, in relazione al periodo d'imposta in corso al 31 dicembre 2019, per un importo di euro 6.678, denominazione soggetto erogante: Amministrazione finanziaria Stato Italiano C.F. 06363391001.